Release 1.18.0


AL-1455 add probation period to user page

AL-1489 Admin settings page


Allow customization of Almirlive features such as dropdowns.

AL-1740 Admin settings - add option to order dropdowns alphabetically.

AL-1734 Add supervisor to users list

AL-1668 Digital signature feature on user signup

AL-1657 Add print login details to user page

AL-1635 Add print option to tutorials

AL-1580 Page loading feedback

AL-1502 Improve user admin

AL-1517 Downloading files name


When you download a file / attachment to your computer . If it has original_filename, replace the name with it.

eg “0230216114959_63ee1867ac6d2.docx” becomes “MyOriginal_filename.docx”

AL-1328 Date Format


In many areas we have updated the date format from DD/MM/YYYY to a more readable DD MON YY

01/05/2024 → 01 May 2024

AL-1511 Send notification when first login


When a standard user has logged in for the first time - a notification is sent to their supervisor.



AL-1686 Able to close audit with open CIP


Added check to prevent changing status to closed when there are open cips related.

AL-1260 Audit calendar / List filters


Added all data columns to list view so better filtering can be done. Added columns are:

  • Scope

  • Organisation

  • Description

  • Details

  • Auditee

AL-1249 Audit calendar.


Add months to bottom of calendar



AL-1637 Allow bulk remove users from CIP Alert

AL-1616 Display attachments on Print CIP


Display attachments name / link ..

AL-1251 Customer complaint report

Can be found in Reports > CIP > Customer Complaints



AL-1226 Trainee/ Trainer view


If admin or trainer, for module/event
Show a toggle in the header that switches view from admin/trainer to a trainee only.

AL-1233 Add external trainer in a module

AL-1235 Notify trainee when trainer or supervisor approve a module

AL-1814 Allow youtube time variable

AL-1824 Training Report: Activity Log

AL-1326 Undo RPL


Add function to undo Recognized prior learning from a user.

A supervisor has mistakenly marked a module as RPL against an employee, provide a link to remove it.

AL-1350 Allow trainer and supervisor undo signoff

AL-1357 Allow supervisor add their subordinates to training events

AL-1370 Training Tasks


Create a report for all training tasks to be done and by whom.

Use this report to populate the “My tasks” list for training on the dashboard.

AL-1380 "View As" visibility


make this visible only on pages that are appropriate

I think this is just the “module view” page

Can we also keep the users preference selected when working between pages?

AL-1442 Allow admin to signoff on trainee document

AL-1446 Users attachments in event/module


Display attachments icon next to completed date in table and when clicked shows the attachments uploaded against that user for the event or module at hand.

AL-1448 Trainer report

AL-1451 Add tooltip to button


Add tootlip explaining why button is disabled eg. “Cannot sign off yet”

AL-1470 Show document event attachments


Allow admin to see and manage attachments associated with the event \(revision\)

Example: In some cases they want to be able to attach a sign in sheet to show acknowledgment of the document changes.

AL-1474 Display recurring events


Add a tab to the personnel page titled “Recurring”

List the events that user has that are reoccurring, the date the module was last completed and next date its due to be done.

AL-1553 Deleting events


Ensure trainees are not enrolled in event before delete.

AL-1554 Edit trainee event dates

AL-1595 Add prioritization of trainees on module view


To make sure trainees most relevant appears first - ie - if the user is trainer , then trainees who need to be approved appear first.

AL-1636 Digital signature on signoff sheet

AL-1723 Add department filter to training overview

AL-1711 Allow user to comment


When signing off training event module.

AL-1703 Trainee default view


When I am an admin/ specialist , if i view a module / event that I am enrolled in and have not signoff - switch to trainee view by default.

AL-1641 Check if trainees signoff before complete event

AL-1537 Create document training through module


Ability to add document \(controlled document\) to a module

AL-1312 Create Module Overview Page

AL-1090 Training certs


Training certs:
add cert against user
generate a cert - against event/module

AL-1456 Allow trainer to upload cert


Replace the rpl and trainee signoff popups with one form.

AL-1338 Remove tags from trainees's views

AL-1291 Re-ordering segments

Documentation Management

AL-1366 Legacy ref edit


Allow to add/edit legacyRef for a document at any time.

Display on document view page

AL-1376 Add breadcrumb navigation

AL-1441 Add col search to tables in document mngt


Add col search to tables and toggle view for task list.

AL-1733 Allow edit of Document CR by System Admin


Allow admin / specialist to edit description ...

Allow system admin to edit Author owner approver.

AL-1769 Doc view changes

  • combine changes requests and revisions tab

  • split tasks tab to my tasks and all tasks

AL-1772 Document review on obsolete document


Recurring review will be automatically turned off on obsoletion of a document.

AL-1773 Add hyperlink to DCR#

AL-1778 Update document CR steps


Make the document change request more interactive and useful.

AL-1780 Document reminder


As a Document owner, Document specialist or Admin / system admin
I want to be able to send a reminder message to the user who the change request action is currently at. For example send a reminder to the author to complete draft \(step 4\) .

A short email will be sent to the author, allow the user to add a note to the body of the email .

Add the button \(icon\) next to the users name on the document page. Also add the icon / action to the stepper icon on hover \( click to send reminder\) Which will open an input swal to add their message optional .

AL-1785 Make sure DCR cannot be raised while one in progress

AL-1788 Authors on Almir Live


In the document register, show owner, author and approver as extra fields.

AL-1751 Document Training Matrix

AL-1757 Doc matrix filter by type




Asset Management

AL-1591 Allow delete attachment on monitoring

AL-1592 Allow to change due date on monitoring / edit monitoring.

AL-1677 maintenance events report

AL-1729 Turn off monitoring


Ability to suspend asset monitoring

AL-1804 Retiring an maintenance asset


when changing status to unfit for use , stop monitoring or stop reporting monitoring.

AL-1805 Unable to save file to more than 1 asset


For adding updating assets - Allow user to upload same file twice.

AL-1758 Asset page checklist visibility


Its difficult to know what checklist an asset has.

  • Update “Tasks due” → “Checklists”

  • List all checklists here weather due or not in order of next due

  • Number count should reflect amount of checklists and colour according to status of checklist

    • Green - all done

    • orange - due / overdue

    • grey - no checklists